The True Art and Artificial Intelligence

At the dawn of artificial intelligence development, a new era is emerging in the world of technologies, presenting challenges for the future of human society. Artificial intelligence opens up new perspectives for creating products and services in the future. We can say that this type of technology is already a reality, accompanied by significant development in the field of intellectual activities related to artificial intelligence.

This progress provides an opportunity for rapid creation and implementation of products in sales networks, creating a competitive tool for the future market environment with hundreds of millions of competitors and consumers. The production of goods for quick access to customers is not new to our society. With the development of technologies and the steam engine, the production of goods accelerates, providing the opportunity for quick and easy satisfaction of the needs of many people. This process is inherent in art as well. The printing of paintings, images, books, and information provides an easily accessible means of presenting visual creations to a larger audience. This mass production method further develops art movements such as pop art, comics, posters, and others. This type of production even prompts artists themselves to work faster, although, in my opinion, this does not guarantee the quality in visual arts.

With the development of artificial intelligence, the creation of images becomes a matter of minutes. Artificial intelligence learns from the images in its database, generating combinations of elements and colors in a composition. But can this be called art? Artists also generate images, but they rely on knowledge and information accumulated in their consciousness or in front of their eyes. They create works using their personal skills developed over years of training and the creative process. Artificial intelligence and a living artist create their works based on the information in their minds. Although both learn, artificial intelligence generates its images significantly faster. An artist, to master his craft, requires a minimum of 8-10 years. He continues to develop throughout his life.

I have a thought that guides me through the years in art and which I believe is applicable not only to art but to every aspect of human life: Art is a manifestation of the spirit and thought, and everyone is a creator with their own will. Let's explore what I mean by this thought. Art or creativity is a manifestation of the spirit of the human inner world and a charge of the invisible force built and developed by the unique life path and perspective. Each person has a unique life path that shapes the unique and irreplicable characteristics of their spirit. Although societies form common traits, each person experiences a uniquely developed and unique life path. I grew up exactly in this family, lived exactly in this house, gained exactly this life experience, saw solely through my eyes and perspective, and this is unique and irreversible. Art is also built from the thought formed by the knowledge and skills I have accumulated throughout my life, and they are also unique to my development and brain structure. Despite having similar skills necessary for building and interacting in societies, the uniqueness of my development and life path creates unique connections in my brain, providing me with unique skills expressed in my creations. Anyone who has accumulated skills, knowledge, and emotional baggage can be a creator, creating and being a creator of their own life. Everyone can create what they can, what they know, what they see, and what they think. To create something, to turn this electronic impulse in our brain into reality or matter, will is necessary. Willpower is the force that drives us to take a step and move in a certain direction in life. Our willpower is also unique and shaped by the unique life path we have traveled over the years. Whether this willpower will be strong enough to create something or take a step in life is a profound question at the beginning of creativity. Some people possess an exceptionally strong will that expresses their inner strength for creation.

The creation of art, or more precisely, quality art, is a complex process that, in addition to willpower, requires knowledge and skill. Knowledge and skills are criteria for quality in craftsmanship. A quality image cannot be created without understanding the nature of the environment, the physical and optical laws. Functional literacy is necessary for working with the material, and physical presence is essential for a person to transform it onto a blank canvas.

With the development of photography, copying the image has become so easy and natural in our daily lives. The image itself does not mean anything. Spirit must be infused into the image, giving it meaning and subtext as a message to the viewer. Art is created for people and is a form of communication universal to all humans. Although artificial intelligence can create an image with a message, this will be solely interpreted by humans, not dictated by the machine itself.

Creativity requires not only willpower but also the ability to perceive and process knowledge, as well as skills in expression. This unique spirit that defines the artist cannot be replaced by artificial intelligence. Artists are dreamers, bearers of ideas, and creators of new possibilities.

Art has its criteria based on scientific research in the field of perception, and through them, we communicate and live in today's world. Art is a manifestation of spirit and thought, and everyone is a creator with their will.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence can generate images, but it lacks that unique spirit defining creators. It can create something based on pre-existing data, but this process is far from the creative act that transcends through the artist's inner world. Art, as a form of human creativity, remains something that artificial intelligence cannot replicate. Art, creativity, the quest for a unique spirit are things that artificial intelligence cannot achieve. If it accomplishes anything, it will be based on the data it already possesses and nothing more. Even if these data are billions of times more extensive than human personal experience, they remain rooted in human experience, embedded in the system of artificial intelligence. It cannot be Van Gogh or Serra... it can create likenesses of them based on the existing data. Art or creativity are the only forms of human activity that will be needed in the human world. Creativity or creative thinking initiates and changes the world. Creators are dreamers, people with imagination, bearers of ideas, and creators of new possibilities.

For example, Google Earth – initially just an idea, a dream, and today it is a product without which we cannot imagine our daily lives. Samuel Morse – without whose idea today's commuters would not exist. Jacquard – the creator of a system for recording information, which later materialized into fabric. Isaac Newton – a significant portion of today's science is based on his ideas. The Egyptian pyramids – electrons in the brain of an ancient architect, the drawings in Lascaux – a window into the thoughts and lives of prehistoric communities. Millions of examples exist in the world, demonstrating the manifestation of the spirit and thought of the person who, through their will, creates their path.

Art has its criteria based on scientific research in the field of perception, and through them, we communicate and live in today's world. Upon closer inspection of your screen, you will notice that it is composed of dots. Point by point, they form an image. The more dots, the richer the image. The art of pointillism or dot painting is a fundamental principle for modern screens. The idea that each pixel is a particle of the image, just as each person is part of the overall picture of society, just as each star is a point among billions of stars and galaxies, just as each photon is a particle of a sunbeam... this leads me to my art and the style of pointillism in which I draw here and now. This idea is born from my spirit and my thought. It wouldn't be leading if it were not born from human intellect, not artificial.

Art is a manifestation of spirit and thought, and everyone is a creator with their will.

If you are curious about my art you can take a look here


2024 CAS (Chelsea Art Society) Summer Exhibition


This is the way