This is the way

I would like to present to you a painting I created in London.

The name of the picture is : This is the way - oil on cardboard 45x53 cm. 2022

This is the way - oil on cardboard 45 53 cm. 2022

The scene depicted in the artwork bears no resemblance to London whatsoever, as it is a memory from the northern Black Sea coast of Bulgaria.

The painting portrays a woman standing on a windy high shore by the sea, gazing into the distance. A winding path is visible along the steep shore, appearing quite challenging. As summer comes to an end, it becomes windy and chilly, the grass has withered after the hot days, yet the sky remains clear. The beauty of nature brings inspiration and dreams for the future. The future path that must be traversed, with youth symbolizing the beginning of the human journey. The start of the journey harbors fears and concerns, hopes and dreams, courage and uncertainty. The path may not seem easy, but the beauty of the view urges you to plunge into it and merge with the future. The symbolism in the painting is deep and woven into the images of my memory. The colors and composition are carefully selected and combined to emphasize the idea. I got lost in thoughts while strolling along these high shores almost 17 years ago. I didn't anticipate where the path would lead me and whom I would meet along the way. I remember the determination of my students and how passionately they gazed at the horizon. They would bring a part of their past to the present day. The path looks beautiful and enticing even when viewed from the perspective of the future.

Why did I paint a young woman? Because a woman is the bearer of life that will begin somewhere along the path. She will encounter another male path from which she will accept the spark for a new life. Somewhere in the distance of her life journey will be the beginning of another journey.

I attempted to create the atmosphere of aerial perspective to enhance the scale and to establish an atmosphere of strong light that clearly defines the landscape. A landscape that has imprinted in my memories from one of my journeys.

The painting is done in the style of pointillism with oil paints. Each dot in the painting, each color and shade, is in its precise place to form the complete image. Dot by dot – life.

If you enjoy my paintings, you can see more in the gallery on my website. HERE

For more short stories and explanations about my paintings and creative journey, follow the updates here.

Svilen Georgiev


The True Art and Artificial Intelligence


Exhibition "Particles of Light #Pointillism"