The Little Big World of Bees

Allow me to introduce you to one aspect of my art.

One of my inspirations is the world of bees - precious jewels, created by nature, in complete harmony with their environment. Their beautiful life and tireless work are valuable links in the chain of life on planet Earth. Unfortunately, humanity has learned this lesson in a tragic way. Our activities harm the most fragile creatures that are important to the lives of millions of other even larger creatures. Besides being important, bees are also beautiful creatures.

Kind of magic

coloured pencil

30x38 cm. 2021

Enchanted by their ethereal beauty, I have created a series of drawings and oil paintings.

In the style of pointillism, I created miniatures with colored pencils.

Inspired by this, I also created oil paintings on the same theme, where bees are depicted in a poetic form. The idea is to show and experience the beauty of this miniature world and perhaps make us all think about the significance of this microcosm.

Bee Zee world - oil on cardboard 52x76 cm. 2022 SOLD oil colour oil pantings pointillism bee green environment

Bee Zee world - oil on cardboard 52x76 cm. 2022 SOLD

n the painting "Bee Zee," there is a flying bee in the foreground that seems to be busy with its work. The details on the bee's body create the impression that it is unrealistically large or that the viewer is unrealistically small, as if we are looking at the buzzing flight of this yellow jewel through a magnifying glass. The bee is located in its natural green environment where it usually lives. The small twist in the painting is hidden in the background. Almost imperceptibly, a human figure appears there, potentially a woman, with a raised hand and a gesture that can be interpreted as a greeting or a sign of fear towards the bee. Are we afraid because we lack understanding or do we choose to understand? This painting presents symbols for reflection, all recreated in one work of art.

The bees in the drawings with coloured pencils are depicted in scenes of meeting with flowers, the magical moment when life is created - a meeting that is a link in the chain of life.

Immerse yourself in the world of pointillism with my ART. You can see my paintings in the gallery section of the website as well as in the e-shop.


A dream (on music by Claude Debussy)