A dream (on music by Claude Debussy)

I really enjoy the music of Claude Debussy. I can listen to it for days, which can sometimes annoy those around me. It creates an inspiring atmosphere that makes me daydream.

A dream (on music by Claude Debussy)

oil, acrylic canvas 50x70 cm 2020

Let me introduce you to a painting that was a dream of mine. The painting I was inspired to create is called "Dream" while listening to Debussy's music and a photograph of a woman I liked in my youth.

This woman remained a dream for my soul.

After many years, I was sitting in my room listening to music when I accidentally saw a photo of her. It was a ray of inspiration. She was sitting in a green meadow with yellow flowers, dressed in white, and the sun was shining warmly. What magic the sun creates, how much beauty and happiness can be born under its rays. Such moments in my life remain imprinted in my thoughts and soul like a box of time and space.

A happy moment of a dream.

The story of this dream is that it remained just a dream. This was how it was supposed to be, and after so many years, it reflected in a painting. Sometimes I think that dreams should remain dreams to bring their magic into our lives. Light in such a lonely human soul.

It took me 2 months to paint this picture. The pointillism style is quite a slow technique that requires patience. The painting was done in oil and acrylic on canvas. The image in the painting is in Bulgaria, and the realization of the painting was done in London, United Kingdom. Throughout the time I was painting the picture, Debussy was playing.

I enjoyed the sounds and how this painting emerged from my brush.

Immerse yourself in the world of pointillism with my ART. You can see my paintings in the gallery section of the website as well as in the e-shop.


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