
Let me introduce you to a painting of mine. This is an image inspired by a personal experience, something that impressed me during my early days in London.

Quarantine - acrylic on canvas 46x58 cm. 2020

Unlike Bulgaria, in England, some houses have their sewage and water pipes on the outside of the building. This caught my attention in some of the old houses. The entire plumbing system for each floor is somewhat visible. It was the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and there was a general prohibition on leaving homes. I was in the hallway of a small residential cooperative where I had to work. My job allowed me to go out and work without direct contact with other people. Only a few professions were allowed to work, and most people were sowing at home under quarantine. On that day, I was delighted by the sun, which had managed to break through despite the brief moment, giving hope for better times. I looked through the hallway window and saw this view that made me contemplate. A little child curiously peered through the window of their secure abode, wrapped in the comforts of the hygienic system. The security of the stable home had turned into a prison for the restless child's soul.

Quarantine can hardly confine the youthful, curious, and inventive spirit. But still, the danger of urban shadows always loomed and crept with its strength. The sun warmed her window, and her blonde hair shone like a sunbeam of hope. The long and tedious days of national quarantine were too much for the children who needed contact with the outside world. This moment of our gaze meeting, the curiosity of a child, the rising sun, and the difficult situation of the quarantine compelled me to paint this picture, which forever sealed the memory of hope. Youth, sunlight, the contrast of rough walls, and the network of sewage pipes seemed like a powerful juxtaposition and a theme for contemplation. I created the painting in the style of pointillism, using acrylic paints on canvas. When I painted this picture, I was entirely guided by the impression, feeling, and idea I wanted to recreate. As usual, I create my paintings with an underlying idea and subtext that each viewer can discover and understand for themselves.

Art is a manifestation of the spirit and thought, and everyone is a creator with their own will.

Immerse yourself in the world of pointillism with my ART. You can see my paintings in the gallery section of the website as well as in the e-shop.




After the Rain