Why pointillism

Many years ago, when the communist dictatorship fell in my country, films that were previously forbidden started to be broadcasted. Movies coming from the Western and free world had been prohibited. On television, they aired an English film about the life of the artist Vincent Van Gogh. His inspiration and passion for colors and nature, his tragic yet art-filled life, and his immense inspiration deeply affected my young childish soul, and I decided that I would become an artist.

Pointillism came naturally to the tip of my brush as I contemplated the nature of the world around me. My development as an artist continued with my curiosity towards nature and the universe. This led me to science and the scientific explanation of nature. In this way, my art evolved, and I reached Pointillism as a personal pursuit and comfort that I feel in my element. For me, Pointillism is an attempt to present the essence of the natural environment.

Everything in this world - matter and space - is composed of tiny dots: cells, atoms, protons, neutrons, quarks... small dots arranged in a specific way, shaping the reality we live in. Even our thoughts are electric impulses, which are also dots - small points of electrons. Light itself is a composition of dots. The dot is at the foundation of our world. When we look at the night sky, we see points that are, in essence, planets, stars, even entire galaxies where other points like us, humans, may live.

I decided to use the dot as an expressive medium in my art, thereby constructing space in my paintings. The dot, as an expressive medium, proved to be quite a challenging and slow process - just like the challenging and slow process of building every matter and space in nature. In the dots, I discovered a rich world, a rich space, and it turned out to be my cup of tea. Pointillism gives vibration and life to the images on the canvas, optically creating colors and images in the human eyes.

The uniqueness lies in the fact that everyone's perception is different, and each sees the vibration in the painting in their own unique way. Pointillism is an idea for the technical execution of a painting on a flat canvas, but that is just a small part of the art of painting. For me, it is essential and a natural part of my creativity that my painting has a theme and is inspired by an idea that tells a story. Sometimes the story is short, like a haiku, and sometimes it is a novel.

The hidden meaning in my paintings is always there and is a matter of desire, intelligence, and passion for the viewer to discover. Starting with the meaning of the dot and reaching the underlying meanings in the images, symbolizing specific ideas.

Art and science are inseparably connected, and that's something I realized from my early years as an artist. The dots came to my canvas naturally, projected like lightning, provoked by the electric storm of my thoughts.

Immerse yourself in the world of pointillism with my ART. You can see my paintings in the gallery section of the website as well as in the e-shop.

svilenart , svilen georgiev, pointillism

London Art Biennale 2023


The Meaning of Art